Our Vision

Our Mission

To take the needed services, supplies, and support out on the streets, into the camps, to whatever location a veteran may be, so that he or she is not left behind.

To raise awareness of the problems facing veterans who may be homeless, needy, or at risk and in need of services, assistance, or support.

What is VTAB?

Veterans Transitional Advocacy Board 

The VTAB board was formed in 2010 out of the desire to repay our country's debt to its veterans.  It is the intent of VTAB to provide temporary housing and brotherhood for veterans while they transition from homelessness and/or drug dependency back to the lifestyle of self-respect and self-reliance that was ensured for us all by their military service.

The goals of VTAB are as follows:

1.  Educate the public on the needs of homeless veterans

2.  To construct or support a facility to house veterans

3.  Apply for grants to help fund housing

4.  Seek local support from churches and communities

5.  Coordinate with surrounding counties to initiate communication and ask for their cooperation

6.  Establish relationships with surrounding counties to determine housing needs for homeless veterans

7.  Advocate for the homeless

In an effort to fulfill the goals of VTAB, the group is the host agency for the Foothills Veteran Stand Down and the Unifour Veterans Helping Veterans. VTAB serves the community in addressing the 10 year plan to end homelessness, promotes awareness, and encourages dialogue relating to homeless and at risk veterans. 

More than 70% of American tax filers don’t know they can save $200 in tax preparation fees every year by using MyFreeTaxes.com, the first free national, online tax filing platform.

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MyFreeTaxes.com is an interactive resource for information regarding tax preparation, valuable credits including the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, and personal finance, as well as access to free, in-person tax preparation sites. It’s funded by a $4.1 million grant from the Walmart Foundation, and made possible through the collaboration of 1,000 partners, including the IRS, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, and state and local government agencies. 

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1. Free online tax filing: MyFreeTaxes.com is a fast, easy, secure way for individuals and families to file their federal and state taxes online for free — and get their refunds quickly. Tax filing software is provided by H&R Block®.

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3. Outreach to taxpayers with disabilities: MyFreeTaxes is committed to providing free tax preparation services to taxpayers with disabilities. If you are in need of an ADA accommodation to file your taxes in person, please contact your local filing site or call 1-855-My-Tx-Help (1-855-698-9435) for more information.